Buy a Used Bakkie For Your Delivery Service


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The international COVID-19 pandemic and our current national lockdown in South Africa has given rise to an overhauled way of living and offering services. With deliveries becoming a prominent service necessity for everyone who needs to stay home as much as possible, starting up a new delivery business that offers products needed in this time is an innovative and wise move. Doing deliveries with your car may be a good starting point, but if you want to expand your business and maximise your output, getting a used bakkie for sale would be a smart investment. Here's why.

The international COVID-19 pandemic and our current national lockdown in South Africa has given rise to an overhauled way of living and offering services. With deliveries becoming a prominent service necessity for everyone who needs to stay home as much as possible, starting up a new delivery business that offers products needed in this time is an innovative and wise move. Doing deliveries with your car may be a good starting point, but if you want to expand your business and maximise your output, getting a used bakkie for sale would be a smart investment. Here's why.

Improve Delivery Consignments

A used bakkie will provide you with ample space to load your products and reduce the need to return to your home or factory several times a day to restock and return to your delivery runs. You'll also be able to make large order deliveries to a client without needing to play Tetris to fit all the boxes into your cabin.

Save Petrol And Time

A larger space to store and transport products mean you'll spend less time driving back and forth to restock, which means you'll save on petrol costs and the time it takes to get everything you need to do done.

High Resale Value

Bakkies retain their resale value better than any other type of vehicle, especially in South Africa, where we have a huge range of markets that need these types of vehicles to complete tasks. If you invest in a used bakkie, you won't need to worry about suffering a loss in value anytime soon - you'll be able to confidently trade-in or sell your bakkie should you not need it any longer at a later stage or if you need to upgrade to a bigger model to deal with increasing demand for your product.

Interested in a used bakkie for sale? We have a large selection of carefully checked pre-owned bakkies available. Contact us if you have a specific requirement in terms of make, model or price range - we're happy to help you find what you need!

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